Blog posts

What Makes a Disability Claim Successful?

Submitted by Chris on

Applying for Social Security Disability benefits can feel like a full time job. As an applicant, you are responsible for completing paperwork, attending interviews, compiling medical documentation, and keeping tabs on your claim throughout the entire process. Unfortunately, many applicants put in the time and energy only to be denied.

So what can you do to make sure your application stays out of the rejection pile? Although there are never any guarantees, there are steps you can take to increase your chances of approval. These are as follows:

Hearing Aid Awareness Week

Submitted by Shane on

The week of September 15th through the 21st marked Hearing Aid Awareness Week in the United States. The invention of the hearing aid has helped millions of Americans maintain their quality of life by improving their ability to hear the world around them. Today we will be dedicating this blog post to the hearing aid and the promotion of healthy hearing.

The History of Hearing Aids

Reduce Your Risk of Skin Cancer

Submitted by Daniel on

As August comes to an end and fall quickly approaches, we say goodbye to another summer. Although people tend to focus on skin protection more throughout the summer months, don’t put away your sunscreen just yet.

As many people are now aware, sun exposure can damage skin cells and cause cancer. What many don’t realize, however, is that sun damage can still occur during the fall and winter months. For this reason, we have compiled a list of tips to keep your skin healthy all year long.

Who Is Responsible for an Overpayment to a Deceased Person?

Submitted by Daniel on

Today we will be answering a question that was recently asked anonymously through our interactive disability forum. If you have a question regarding this topic or any other Social Security Disability topic, be sure to leave it in the comment section below or contact us on Facebook or Twitter.

Today’s question is:

Who is responsible for paying back a Social Security Disability overpayment if the original recipient dies?

How Should a Representative Payee Spend a Child's SSI Benefits?

Submitted by Daniel on

Today we will be addressing a question that came to us through our interactive disability forum. If you have a question regarding any part of the Social Security Disability application process, leave it in the comment section below so that we can answer it in a future blog post. Today’s question is:

How should a representative payee spend a child's SSI benefits?

Age 18 Redetermination

Submitted by Daniel on

The transition from childhood to adulthood is always complicated- especially when it comes to Supplemental Security Income (SSI). In this blog post we’re going to shed some light on this transition period and hopefully erase any confusion surrounding age and childhood SSI benefits. Today’s question is:

If my child is receiving SSI benefits, what will happen when he or she turns 18?

How Can I Communicate with Social Security Disability Officials if I'm Deaf?

Submitted by Chris on

Today’s question came to us through Facebook and we feel that it addresses a very important subject—accessibility. For individuals who or deaf or hearing impaired, it can be extremely stressful to communicate without the proper accommodations. We hope that the following blog post will make applicants with hearing impairments more comfortable with the process knowing that the Social Security Administration works hard to meet their needs.

What is Parental Deeming?

Submitted by Daniel on

In today’s blog post we will be answering a question that we receive from parents all the time—“What is parental deeming and how does it work?” This is such an important question because parental deeming can determine a child’s eligibility for the SSI program. If parents do not understand the concept, mistakes can be made and a child’s claim may be denied. We hope the following blog post will give the parents out there a better understanding of the deeming process!

Find Out If I Qualify for Benefits!