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Should I restart my Social Security disability application?

Submitted by Bryan on

Disability benefits offer a source of consistent income for you and your family, ensuring you have the money necessary to meet your financial obligations and everyday costs of living.

Being approved isn’t guaranteed though, which means you may have filed once and been denied. If you were denied benefits due to medical ineligibility, you can still try for disability again in the future.

Knowing when to refile can be confusing however. The following hints can help you decide when, or if, you should restart your claim.

What states have the highest disability approval rates?

Submitted by Bryan on

Disability benefits are available to those who suffer from medical conditions that make it so they are unable to work. Paid through the Social Security Administration (SSA), disability benefits can help you cover costs associated with medical bills and living expenses.

The rate of approval for disability benefits varies from state to state, but there are certain tips you can try in an effort to boost your own chances for approval.

Does Union Membership Affect My Eligibility for Social Security Disability?

Submitted by Deanna on

If you are a member of a workers’ union who has become disabled, you may wonder if your union membership impacts your ability to receive Social Security disability benefits.

Your union membership doesn’t keep you from qualifying for benefits and many unions offer support for workers who have become unable to work because of illnesses or injuries.

While some unions have their own benefit programs, there are many labor unions that help members apply for disability benefits offered by the government or for benefits that are offered by their employers.

What if You Don't Have a Lawyer Representing Your Case?

Submitted by Chris on

Each year the Social Security Administration receives millions of disability applications. Some applicants choose to work with a Social Security Disability attorney while others choose not to. If you are considering applying for disability benefits you may be wondering whether or not you really need a disability attorney in order to apply for the benefits you need.

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

Submitted by Deanna on

The likelihood that prostate cancer has touched you or someone you know is quite high. With the exception of skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men in the United States. In fact, one in every nine men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetimes. During the month of September, many people don light blue ribbons to bring awareness to this common disease.

September is Blood Cancer Awareness Month

Submitted by Deanna on

September is generally the time of year that evokes thoughts of fall and back to school. However, it is also significant for another reason. September is the month that we bring awareness to cancers involving the blood and bone marrow. Specifically, we recognize September as National Leukemia, Lymphoma, & Myeloma Awareness month.

How to Determine Whether You Qualify for Disability: 5 Steps

Submitted by Shane on

The Social Security Administration requires you to meet the specific qualifications and requirements under law, not necessarily if you believe you are disabled or even if your doctor labels you as disabled. The SSA's Disability Determination Services (DDS) will evaluate your claim or appeal to establish if you meet the SSA's definition of disabled. This means you must be unable to to engage in substantial gainful activity (SGA) due to a medical condition. This needs to continue for at least twelve months. 

How Long is the Disability Application Process?

Submitted by Deanna on

The Social Security disability process can vary in length. The disability claim process can be long for some than others. Although the disability determination process can take a long time, many applicants don’t have any choice but to stick it out and fight for SSDI or SSI Benefits.

After all, these benefits can mean the difference between just scraping by each month and being able to cover the rent and pay other bills.

How Long Does a Disability Claim Take To Be Approved?

Submitted by Shane on

Whether you are applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), the length of the process varies from person to person depending on where they live and the severity of their condition.

For example, those with serious illnesses could be eligible under the Compassionate Allowance Initiative, which drastically reduces the waiting time. Unfortunately, it is also possible for an individual to have their claim rejected, forcing them to appear at a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge.

Which Medical Records are Best for Winning My Claim?

Submitted by Daniel on

Anyone who has applied for Social Security Disability benefits understands that medical records play a crucial role in the decision that is made by the Social Security Administration (SSA).

Without the right medical evidence you have no way of proving the extent of your disability, and therefore have no way to support your claim for Social Security Disability benefits.

Find Out If I Qualify for Benefits!