Get a Copy of Your Social Security Statement

Get a Copy of Your Social Security Statement

In the past, the Social Security Administration (SSA) has mailed out yearly statements to all workers showing their cumulative Social Security contributions over the course of their employment history. These statements can be helpful if you are interested in knowing exactly what you would receive in Social Security benefits through the Old Age/Retirement program, the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program, or through the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program.

Getting a Copy of Your Statement

Although the SSA no longer mails out annual statements to workers, you can still request a copy of your statement to get a better idea of the amount of benefits you may be eligible to receive through any of the SSA’s programs. Statements can be obtained in one of the following three ways:

  • By calling the main SSA phone line at 1-800-772-1213
  • By contacting your local SSA office
  • By creating an online account with the SSA’s website

Creating an Online Account

Creating an online account with the SSA’s website takes only a few minutes, and requires minimal personal information. Once you have established your account, nothing is required to maintain access other than periodically adjusting your password in order to keep your information secure. To create your online account and get a copy of your Social Security statement, simply visit the SSA’s website.

Your Social Security Statement

Though your Social Security statement cannot tell you the exact amount of benefits you’ll receive or whether or not you’d be approved for benefits, it can provide you with a rough idea of the benefits you would be eligible for should you qualify.

Your statement will also contain other useful information including:

  • Your earnings record
  • Estimates of the Medicare and Social Security taxes you’ve paid over the years

Both of these details are crucial in determining eligibility for Social Security Disability benefits and can affect the amount of your monthly benefit payments as well. For this reason, you should periodically check your Social Security statement to verify that the information that appears on your record is correct. If there are errors in the information on your statement, you’ll want to get them corrected with the SSA to ensure you receive the benefits to which you’re entitled.

Correcting Errors on Your Social Security Statement

To correct an error in your earnings record or other information that appears on your Social Security statement, you will need documentation proving that the SSA has made a mistake. Once you have the appropriate documentation for proving the error, you will need to:

  • Call the SSA’s main helpline at 1-800-772-1213; or
  • Contact your local SSA office to make an appointment to speak with a representative in person

The process of having an error in your statement corrected can take several months. Once you take the appropriate steps to correct a mistake, it is advisable to periodically checking your statement online to see if these errors have been corrected. You can also request a new copy of your statement by calling the SSA’s main phone number or by contacting your local SSA office.

Find Out If I Qualify for Benefits!