What is Reiter’s Syndrome and Can I Qualify for Disability Benefits?

Reiter’s syndrome is one of the many forms of arthritis, but in this case it causes pain, swelling and heat inside the joints and it is commonly found in the spine. People who suffer from Reiter’s syndrome often experience it where the spine attaches to the pelvis, leading to discomfort in almost any movement.

It’s possible to apply for Social Security disability benefits for Reiter’s syndrome, but the key to a successful claim is to provide enough supporting medical documentation to prove that your condition prevents you from working.

How Does Reiter’s Syndrome Affect Ability To Work?

Reiter’s syndrome is one of over 100 forms of arthritis, and in this case it’s found in the base of the spine so it will limit range of movement. It can start in the urinary tract and is followed by joint swelling and pain, especially in the spine, though it can be found in other joints of the body. 

In severe cases, it doesn’t matter if you are sitting or standing because the pain would be intense either way. That means that it would be incredibly difficult for you to work if your job requires you to sit or stand for a prolonged period of time.

Qualifying with Reiter’s Syndrome

The Social Security Administration relies on the Blue Book to determine an applicant’s eligibility for disability benefits. The Blue Book is a comprehensive list of several medical conditions. In the case of Reiter’s syndrome, you can use guidelines found in section 1.0 Musculoskeletal System, which includes disorders of the spine and arthritis. 

To qualify, you need to provide your diagnosis and results from applicable imaging including CT scans x-rays and MRI, as well as your course of treatment and the impact of your treatment on your condition.

Medical Criteria Needed to Qualify with Rheumatoid Arthritis

Residual Functional Capacity

If you suffer from Reiter’s syndrome but your condition doesn’t meet the arthritis guidelines in the Blue Book, then you might be able to qualify for disability benefits with the residual functional capacity (RFC) form. The RFC is completed by your physician and it outlines the maximum amount of work you are capable of performing given your condition.

Since your disability benefit application is reviewed by the Social Security Administration without your direct input, the RFC is a way to explain your exact symptoms and the side effects of your condition and how they affect you, rather than have a reviewer look at your diagnosis and at the Blue Book to determine your eligibility.

Have Your Case Reviewed by An Attorney

If you have been diagnosed with Reiter’s syndrome, you should consider working with a disability attorney who can help to ensure that your application is as complete as possible.

A disability attorney can work with your doctor to make sure that your application follows Blue Book guidelines so that you are providing all of the supporting medical documentation you need to increase the chances of approval.

For more information about how a disability attorney can help with your claim, fill out a free case evaluation.

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