Do I qualify at 27? number of health issues

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I've been going back and forth about whether I should apply to disability for a while now.

I've been diagnosed with a genetic disorder that causes tumors to grow in soft tissues- luckily I've had the pre cancerous ones removed however I have a pituitary brain tumor that still causes migraines and hormonal imbalances even on medication. I also have fibromyalgia, PTSD, bipolar depression and anxiety. Not to mention I have spinal stenosis and recently slipped a disc.

I currently work full time but I usually have to call out a couple times a week due to pain and extreme mental and physical fatigue since I cannot recover as quickly as a healthy individual.
I'm really good at just putting a smile on my face and forcing myself to get through the week so a lot of people don't know I'm in pain, suicidal, panicking etc. But it's always with extreme discomfort and I often make mistakes and am very forgetful. I have worked very physical jobs to sedentary jobs to something in between (currently) but nothing helps. I always feel guilty about calling out and I know soon I will be out of sick time because of this.

I love my job and would love to work a couple days a week but I'm not sure if I would qualify for hesitant as well because at 27yrs old I'm worried people will judge. Think I'm lazy or something. :(
Sorry for the heavy Thoughts??

Thu, 05/11/2017 - 16:14 Permalink

Hi there,
I'm sorry to hear about that! You may be eligible for benefits, but it would depend on your work record for SSDI benefits, and on your income for SSI benefits eligibility.

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