If you are unable to work because of carpal tunnel, you may qualify for disability benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA). When you are approved for disability benefits, you will get monthly benefits that can offer you financial benefits that help you with living expenses.
You can also get access to Medicare coverage to ensure you have access to medical care. You can also get return to work incentives if you get to the point that you can return to work. A disability law attorney can help you get your claim approved.
Financial Help
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a disability program that requires an individual to have earned enough credits from his or her work history. Usually, that means having worked five years full-time out of the last 10 years.
To qualify for SSDI, you must meet specific medical criteria that proves you are unable to work and earn a living. Your monthly SSDI benefits are based off your work earnings.
Cost-of-living adjustments are made and when that occurs, SSDI benefits will increase accordingly. If you have dependents, they may also qualify for monthly benefits from your account.
You can draw SSDI benefits until you reach retirement age when you can receive your regular retirement benefits. If your spouse dies, you and/or minor children can draw benefits off your spouse’s SSDI account.
Medicare Coverage
Medicare is a health insurance program that offers benefits for those who are 65 and older and for some disabled individuals who have been approved for disability benefits.
If you are approved for disability benefits, you qualify for Medicare 24 months after your date of disability. You will pay a premium for your coverage unless you meet specific financial criteria and are approved for Medicaid or special assistance covering the cost of Medicare premiums.
Return To Work Incentives
The Ticket to Work program helps you at no charge get vocational training, rehabilitation, job referrals, and other employment support services.
The goal of the program is to help you earn enough money to become financially independent and to earn a living in the workforce once again. Another program is the PASS program, which is the Plan to Achieve Self-Support.
PASS is a written plan of action for pursuing and then obtaining a specific job. It will describe what steps you will take, as well as the services and items needed for you to reach your career goal.
How An Attorney Can Help
If you are unable to work and earn a living because of carpal tunnel, you may qualify for disability benefits. You can start the claims process online at www.ssa.gov or by calling 1-800-772-1213 and speaking with a representative.
You can improve your chances of a successful disability claim by enlisting the help of a disability lawyer. Disability claimants who are represented by attorneys are much more likely of being approved and being awarded disability benefits. Get a free case review of your disability claim for carpal tunnel today.