Social Security Attorneys

Hiring an Attorney for Social Security Disability Benefits

Hiring a Social Security attorney or advocate will go a long way in increasing your odds for Social Security disability approval. Whether you are applying for benefits for the first time, or fighting a denial from the Social Security Administration, a Social Security disability lawyer or advocate can be a valuable resource to have on your side when making a disability claim.

How An Attorney Can Help

Many Social Security disability applicants are unsure how to complete the necessary paperwork properly, or know what types of medical documentation are necessary to submit for a quick approval. While a Social Security attorney or Social Security advocate is not mandatory to make a claim, hiring a qualified representative might result in a quick approval for your Social Security claim.

Social Security attorneys and advocates can check in with the SSA on your behalf to see how your claim is progressing. An attorney often works with the same SSA representatives or judges, so he or she might be able to learn more about the progress of your claim than you could alone.

Most importantly, a Social Security attorney can defend your case in court if need be. Nearly 70% of SSDI and SSI claims are denied at the initial level, which means that it's likely that you will need to present your claim in front of an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). While your odds of winning a claim are higher in front of an ALJ than initially applying, an attorney or advocate can increase your chances of approval even further.

Connect With an Attorney Today

Social Security attorneys are not paid unless you win your claim. To be connected with an SSD attorney or advocate in your area, please fill out our Free Evaluation above. Disability lawyers work on contingency, which means they don't get paid unless you win your Social Security claim.

Last Updated 7/28/2017