Denied Disability with Lung Cancer

If you received a denied Social Security with lung cancer claim, you can still gain financial assistance by filing an appeal with the Social Security Administration (SSA).

Appealing to the SSA directly represents the first step of a potentially four-step appeals process. When you file an appeal with the SSA, you have to submit more medical documentation that demonstrates how lung cancer symptoms have made it difficult, if not impossible to hold down a job.

Part of the process for filing an appeal for a lung cancer disability claim is to complete a Residual Functional Capacity (RFC) assessment.

How to Convince the SSA to Reverse the Denied Claim

The second chance to make a positive impression on the SSA involves proving that your lung cancer symptoms are severe enough to warrant approval of your Social Security disability appeal.

According to the SSA Blue Book, which the agency uses to review Social Security disability claims and appeals, lung cancer is listed under Section 13.14.

You need more than a diagnosis of lung cancer to make your case before the SSA. You also need to show the agency that your symptoms are severe enough to prevent you from working.

Some of the severe symptoms of lung cancer include frequent lung infections that result in hospitalizations. Submitting evidence of hospitalization records for treating lung infections is an effective way to persuade the SSA that your lung cancer symptoms have reached the severe stage.

Constant intense chest pain that forces you to double over is another sign of severe lung cancer symptoms. Shortness of breath typically leads to lower stamina that can negatively impact job performance.

Qualifying for Social Security benefits with lung cancer

Diagnosing the Severity of Lung Cancer Symptoms

Having a claim denied with lung cancer means going back to the drawing board to gather more compelling medical evidence. Healthcare professionals conduct a wide variety of tests to determine the severity of lung cancer symptoms.

X-rays and CT scans can detect tumors that are as small as one centimeter wide. However, to receive denied disability benefits, you have to present x-ray and CT scan results that show the development of large tumors.

Your oncologist should also conduct a lung function test that is called spirometry to measure the level of your lung capacity.

Undergoing Physical Tests

Reversing a lung cancer denied disability claim often involves undergoing an RFC assessment. This step of the appeal process measures how much work you can complete while dealing with the symptoms of lung cancer.

A doctor from Disability Determination Services (DDS) puts you through a series of physical tests to test your stamina, as well as your strength.

For example, if you work a labor-intensive job, a DDS doctor might ask that you walk on a treadmill for a certain period to determine how long you can sustain a high level of energy.

Since cancer can take a mental as well as a physical toll, an RFC assessment can include one or more tests that determine your mental capabilities.

Get Help Today

Working with a Social Security attorney can help boost your chances of getting a Social Security disability appeal approved by the SSA.

Your lawyer should schedule a free case evaluation that analyzes how you can strengthen your case to receive Social Security disability benefits.

Maybe you need more convincing medical evidence and/or a statement signed by your oncologist that offers a prognosis for the development of future lung cancer symptoms.

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