Denied Disability with Osteoporosis

If the Social Security Administration (SSA) denied disability benefits for your claim, keep a positive attitude by exercising your right to file an appeal.

Since the SSA denies a majority of disability claims, you should be ready to make a stronger case the second time around. Working with a Social Security lawyer can help you overturn a denied Social Security with osteoporosis claim. The key to winning a claim is to submit more convincing evidence with your appeal.

How the Blue Book Influences a Denied with Osteoporosis Claim

The SSA refers to a guide called the Blue Book to determine eligibility for Social Security disability benefits. Osteoporosis is a tricky medical condition because people that have the disease often do not know they have it until a bone breaks.

Although the Blue Book does not specifically mention osteoporosis, a couple of sections, such as Section 1.00 for musculoskeletal conditions, might qualify you for osteoporosis benefits.

However, most osteoporosis denied disability claims mention a lack of symptoms. Even if you suffered a broken bone, it is difficult to link osteoporosis with the broken bone.

Some of the more persuasive symptoms of osteoporosis other than a broken bone include severe back pain and diminished height that happens over time.

Reverse a Denied with Osteoporosis Claim with Compelling Medical Evidence

Diagnostic tests represent a key factor that determines whether the SSA approves your appeal for financial assistance. A bone density test is the closest procedure your doctor can use to predict the future health of your bones.

Bone density tests either indicate nothing is wrong, or that a patient suffers from osteopenia or osteoporosis.

Bone density tests use x-ray technology to measure how much calcium and other minerals are in a square centimeter of a bone. The higher the calcium and other mineral counts, the more density a bone has.

Remember that a bone density test is a predictive tool, not a diagnostic test that demonstrates the development of osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis Social Security Benefits

Undergo Physical Tests

Gathering medical evidence goes well beyond sending the SSA the results of diagnostic tests, particularly for a disease such as osteoporosis.

Completing a Residual Functional Capacity (RFC) assessment can make the difference between having your appeal denied and approved.

For osteoporosis, a medical examiner from the SSA ensures you are not on the verge of suffering from one or more broken bones. Just slight exertion can break an arm or a leg for someone with osteoporosis.

The area of the body that is most susceptible to osteoporosis is the back. Your RFC assessment might include different back bending exercises to determine your body’s flexibility.

If you experience sharp pain when performing the back exercises, the medical examiner overseeing the RFC assessment might conclude osteoporosis has negatively impacted your work performance.

Fragile bones can negatively influence work performance for q wide variety of careers, from a physically demanding construction job to a sedentary office job.

Schedule a Free Case Evaluation

Knowing where your appeal stands before you file it can help you make the changes required to win a successful appeal for an osteoporosis disability claim.

A Social Security attorney can help you submit the results of diagnostic tests that link the loss of bone density to osteoporosis. Your lawyer can also educate you about what an RFC means for your appeal, as well as what to expect during the assessment.

You have 60 days to file an appeal for denied disability benefits. The 60-day clock starts on the day you received the disability benefits denial letter from the SSA.


Additional Resources

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