Need advice and direction thanks

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Hi, I applied for ssdi few years ago, went through the first 2 appeals and was waiting on my ALJ hearing. My attorney did not notify of my hearing date and since I didn’t know about it I missed it and denied. My attorney was horrible anyways. I have filed again and done some research about the process and I noticed so many horrible mistakes he made. I actually never was face to face with him. Ok well here I my situation that my old attorney didn’t tell me about. My conditions are both physical and mental. I have 100% hearing loss in one ear (which happened during the middle of the appeals process told my attorney about it and it affecting me wasn’t even mentioned to me that it would help since the condition can be used together) I also have mental health issues, bipolar, anxiety, adhd along with more diagnosis that were changed later and the symptoms that happen along with the meds I take for them. The bad part is that I have never been treated by a Psychiatrist.. I have always seen APRN’s and PA’s which no matter what they say about me the examiner probably just skip reading it. I was not informed of that GIANT problem by my attorney. Last time around they had me see one of their Psychologists, he basically disagreed with everything I said about myself. Like that I didn’t have anxiety. Well my anxiety isn’t brought on by sitting in a room with a DR… So I believe I was doomed from that as well. Now they want me to again see one of their DR. I was taking along time to get my health questionnaire filled out so I gave my examiner a call to let her know. Even filling out that form was hindered because of my problems. I also asked her another question. I wanted to get clarification on 12 months you automatically qualify for after you have a cochlear implant. After reading everything I could about it I still could not find anything about if it had to be both ears or 1 or really any other conditions that affect it. So that’s what I asked. Her response was “I don’t know why they would even do the surgery when you can hear just fine out of the other ear” I feel like I am doomed again. I feel that from what she said she is already bias. Obviously she doesn’t know what its like to lose all of your hearing in 1 ear at the age of 25. Its like a whirlwind of words in the one good ear. Try finding a ringing cell phone when every sound, sounds like it is coming from the same direction. Is what she said something I should talk to someone about? I feel like that is some kind of discrimination. I

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