consultive exams

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Is it normal to be requested to have a consultative exam even when you have given the examiner more than enough medical records and recent testing results. My doctor has recommended which will now be a third surgery on my spine. As this began as a workers comp case they are now sending me to a commissioners exam to see if my surgeon and the radiologist were correct in their diagnosis and treatment plan. The respondent prior ordered a ime and he said no surgery will help me, that I have suffered a substantial loss and that all I can do is sedentary work and don't lift anything over 5lbs and repeated bending. My neuro-surgeon disabled me from any employment that require bending, stooping sitting standing and lifting anything over 5lbs. I am not understanding this at all. The original plan was to make me well enough to go back to work but I did not get well and let my doctor know thru all of this. I am 54 and was denied at alj level . The attorney said it was very appealable but the amount of time would be 18 monthes or more and that refiling probally would be a better option. a new set of eyes. The alj had a denial rate of 85%

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