Monthly payment amount

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Hi, my name is Bob, I have been on SS for about 8 years, no problem being termed, tollatly disable by their and my Doctors. Heres the short story; I was injured in an accident when I was 12, I am now 63. At that time I had 3 years of sugury on my hip.I recover to some degree, but have never walked with out pain. For most of my life, I simply accepted it and did the best I could. Never could work a regular job or a 8 hr day but I made it through much of my life.
By mid 50's I really couldn't make enough anymore and applied for SS at some friends suggestions. No problems being accepted on first try.

Now to my problem, they (SS) detiremened that because I hadn't paid enough money in over my life time the most I could get was $276 per month, which is naw at about $300. As my wife gets older, she no longer makes enough money to really support both of us.
Is there any thing I can do?
Thanks Bob

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