Do I qualify for SSI or SSDI?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Kidney Failure
Cerebral Palsy / Minor Muscle Delay
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Manic Depression
Spastic Kidney Disease
Chronic Pelvic Pain
Renal and Bladder Reflex Disease
Nerve Damage, Bladder Spasms
Panic Attacks
Allergy Asthma

These are current medical conditions I have that I can list off the top of my head. I am not sure about Cerebral Palsy, I still have minor muscle delay in my left leg and am not sure if that still qualifies as Cerebral Palsy, does it? All of the above listed are in my medical records and are not self-diagnosis.

I live in the state of Nevada currently and am 17 years of age until January 25th of next year, I do currently receive SSA from my father who is a disabled veteran, but I am not currently living with him. I believe I should be able to transfer my SSA over to SSI or SSDI to receive my own medical benefits due to me not being able to work, but I am not sure what I am all limited to.

Can I put the application in now to get accepted for when I am 18? And am I qualified enough to have living income? I just want to know some things I might encounter with Social Security before I jump straight into it. I want to have everything together to make my application process easier.

Thank you, I will be checking this post frequently to receive feedback and if you have any more information and would like to talk to me personally you can contact at my email:

- Donovan

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