Leg injury deep contusion caused muscle atrophy in two quadraceps. No nerve damage. PT helped one muscle regain strength.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Left leg deep contusion in thigh caused muscle atrophy in two quadraceps. No nerve damage. Nerve conduction tests were done twice several years apart. Physical therapy helped one muscle regain strength. Physical therapy done again a year later but no improvement in the strength in the muscle just above the knee and towards the inner side near the other leg when your legs are together. I am classified as 42% disabled from a functional capacity test. I have a 10 lb. weight limit while walking continuously throughout the day. A 20 lb. weight limit while standing. I am taking pain medication to help reduce the pain while walking. My doctor says there is no test to prove if muscle atrophy is still present in my leg. My physical therapists had me do several different things to prove that I did indeed have muscle weakness. I continued working doing a lighter duty job. I recently lost my job. Now I cannot get the same type of work because they want someone to be able to carry 60 lbs. while walking, not the 10 lbs. that I am limited to while walking. I have worked 34 out of the last 35 years and am 13 years away from retirement. I have had this job for at least 10 years. I graduated from college 21 years ago with a A.A.S. degree. I went to school part-time for several years while working. Do I qualify for social security disability?

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