Wyoming judge playing god with peoples lives

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Hello, Im curiousw whereto go now, I waited fro over 2 years for a hearing, and finally had it in march of this year, Now the Judge, One "Patricia C. Henry" ALJ denied me because I collected unemployment when I lost my last job, My family is on the verge of being homeless, and Im curious what I can do, before we lose our house, And last car we have left. Weve lost 1 house, and a couple vehicles, and most all possessions that held any value were used to make bills. But now what do we do when we have nothing left to use, and I have a egocentric judge playing god with my life, and my family. Patricia C.Henry should NOT, I repeat Not be a disability judge, or any judge for thatfact. Its funny, even the 4 local disability attorneys wish she would get fired for all the extra BS she puts the Disabled people through. I just know, that Now I have nothing left to lose, and even prison is actually starting to look like a very viable option, And that gets scarier and more real every day we are forced to suffer because of her Patricia C. Hill Playing god. I paid in all my working life, and even had the voc-rehab witness testify on my behalf, saying that there is no way I can hold a job under the conditions My thorasic back surgery left me in. So I ask, What do I Do when Im backed into a corner, and have nothing left to lose? I cant even get my anti depression meds filled, and they help with the methodone I take daily for the last 8 years, So now It looks like I will be quitting my meds cold turkey as I cant afford 200 bucks for one month of pills, Even if they do stop the methodone from making me extremely violent, and angry 24-7, Atleast when Im angry my pain dont bother me as bad, And my conscious has no control over my actions, but thats ok by government standards to live like that, While homeless and selling all your sentimental possesions just for one more meal. Im at the end of my rope now, and my wife is scared of the outlook for the immediate future, But even she would be betterif I wasnt here.. So if you have any advice for me in this situation, Please reply, I dont even have internet, so my neighbor is letting me use one of his laptops with his connection, Atleast some people still try to do what they can.

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