What Is Nephrotic Syndrome Disorder and Can I Qualify Disability?

Nephrotic syndrome is a kidney disorder which causes your body to pass too much protein in your urine. It is typically caused by damage to the group of small blood vessels found in your kidneys that function to filter waste and excess water from your blood.

The condition may cause swelling, particularly in the feet and ankles making it difficult to go to work. If you have been diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome Disorder, then may be able to qualify for disability benefits to help relieve the financial hardship caused by your inability to go to work and earn a living.

How Does Nephrotic Syndrome Disorder Affect Your Ability to Work?

In order to qualify for social security disability benefits your condition has to be severe enough that you can no longer work for at least a year. The sorts of symptoms that may make it impossible to go to work include the following:

  • severe swelling (edema) which is common around your eyes and your ankles and feet;

  • the existence of foamy urine due to excess protein in the urine;
  • weight gain due to the retention of fluid;
  • extreme fatigue;
  • loss of appetite.


Qualifying with Nephrotic Syndrome Disorder

Nephrotic syndrome can be found in the SSA's Blue Book under Medical Listing 6.06. According to this listing, the victim needs to be suffering from nephrotic syndrome with anasarca and this condition must last for at least 3 months even after prescribed treatments and associated therapy.

When filing a claim for social security disability benefits due to a diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome disorder you must provide the evidence that shows how severe your edema is, including any ascites, pleural effusion or pericardial effusion.

Medical records that provide the details of your serum albumin levels need to be provided as well. Qualifying for disability with nephrotic syndrome disorder will only be approved if you include enough evidence that satisfies the SSA requirements.

Medical Vocational Allowance

Many people who receive SSD benefits do not necessarily match exactly the conditions listed in the Blue Book for nephrotic syndrome disorder.  If your medical condition does not match the listing for nephrotic syndrome disorder but you are still so disabled that you cannot perform any type of work, you may still qualify for social security disability benefits under the medical vocational allowance.

This allowance includes a complete review of your medical records. The SSA will also decide if there is any work you may be able to do, if any, with your disability, which is also known as your residual functional capacity (RFC).

Before a decision is made, your doctor will be asked to perform some tests to determine your RFC and s/he will complete a form that the SSA will evaluate before deciding your eligibility for social security disability benefits. The sorts of tests focus on your ability to move and concentrate unaided.

Get a Free Case Evaluation Today

If you have nephrotic syndrome disorder and are thinking about applying for disability benefits be sure to provide as much medical evidence as possible and ask for help from a disability law attorney by completing a free case evaluation.   





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