The Disability Application Process - The Five Stages

How to Get Disability Benefits

If you believe you are eligible to receive disability benefits there are a few things that must be done on how to get disability. This includes making sure your disability meets a listing in the Blue Book, providing sufficient medical evidence proving that your disability will prevent you from working for at least 12 months, having enough work credits, submitting  your claim on the proper forms provided by the Social Security administration (SSA) and working with a lawyer.

4 Things That Happen at Disability Hearings

What Happens at Disability Hearings?

Disability hearings help identify how disabling your condition is. The Social Security Administration (SSA) uses an SSD hearing to establish if your condition is too disabling to work.

Although most Social Security hearings are similar, there can be slight variations depending on the judge’s preference. The first thing to know is that your disability hearing will be nothing like the trials you might have seen on television dramas. Disability hearings are held in small conference rooms, and most ALJs don’t wear judge’s robes.

The Importance of Hiring an Attorney for Your Upcoming Disability Hearing

It is important to hire a disability attorney for your disability hearing because an SSD attorney will be able to speak to the experts to get them to understand why you deserve disability benefits.

An attorney for SSD benefits is also knowledgeable about the ALJ and the process necessary for winning your case for disability benefits. This is absolutely essential if you wish to win your appeal and get your disability benefits entitlements.

When Should I Apply For Disability Benefits?

If you believe you qualify for disability benefits, you should file your application as soon as your disability keeps you from going to work. This shows that you are suffering financial hardship due to your disability. Delaying a claim alerts the Social Security Administration that you may not be so disabled that you are unable to work, or that you are earning over the threshold for substantial gainful activity.

How to Take the First Step To Apply for Disability?

Are you unable to work due to an illness or injury that causes you significant mental or physical impairment? If so, you should consider filing for Social Security disability. But, you may wonder, what’s the first step you need to take to apply for disability? We have the answers.

First Things First

If you feel you likely qualify medically for disability benefits, then you’ll want to apply for benefits. But, applying for benefits really involves more than just the application process. 

Can a Caregiver Help With Applying for Disability?

Many medical conditions can prevent you from working and earning a substantial income. The conditions can be incapacitating and range from mental to physical disabilities.

There’s a very good chance that the condition that causes your disability can help you qualify for Social Security disability benefits. Applying for benefits can give you the financial help you need. If your disability prevents you from applying yourself, a caregiver can help you with the application process.

What Forms Do You Need to Apply for Disability?

If you’re disabled due to an injury or illness, chances are your financial stability has suffered. Medical expenses combined with the cost of living can be devastating, particularly if you’re unable to work.

The Social Security Administration has disability programs in place to help you if you qualify. These programs can offer financial support when you really need it. You’ll need to complete the necessary forms and documentation when applying for disability.

How can I check the status of my Social Security disability application?

Social Security Disability applications take time to be processed and must pass through various screening processes before a decision on the disability claim is made. Checking your Social Security application status is an easy way to stay on top of your Social Security application to make sure there is no missing information slowing down your Social Security disability application.

Find Out If I Qualify for Benefits!