While waiting for decision judge asked for more documentation (help)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I had my hearing about a month ago with the ALJ and I have a lawyer. I have been waiting for a decision and the other day I received a letter stating that the judge is still waiting for more documentation (my lawyer told her we had more documentation to give her when we actually did not). The letter stated if within 10 days she did not receive the additional documentation she would make her decision just on the info given at the hearing. Would you consider this a negative sign by the judge? Would you say my lawyer made a mistake that could cost me my case by telling her he had additional documentation even though he did not? Would love to hear back about some of your thoughts please.

Thu, 09/08/2016 - 12:54 Permalink

Hi there,
I really could not say if it is a negative sign as I do not know the particulars of the case, but the judge may make the decision based only on the information that you had give them.

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