Simple reinstatement of ssi benefits turned into a nightmare

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

To make a long story short, Iam a disabled person with mental disabilities w several diagnosis.I was awarded both my ssi and soc sec.benefits (2)checks a mo.i qualified for ssi because i didnt have enough work credits when i became i was receiving both ssi and soc sec along w medicaid and medicare.for approx.5 years 2003-2008..up until the point where i entered an institution for period of longer than 11months..6 yrs to be exact. Upon my release i was instructed by SSA to contact the local office immediately to proceed with reinstatement of my benefits.At which time i did and was told by SSA agents that i would be getting my soc.sec benefits reinstated IMMEDIATELY THE FOLLOWING MONTH..FOR THE AMOUNT OF $506.00MO.
However ssi rules required me to file a new application since i had been away longer than 11 consecutive mo. So i did that.and was denied ,i appealed 2nd time denied again,Now...Iam at the alj hearing stage.i had a hearing date of 4-27-17 and then the judge who was assigned my case asked for more time to better understand my case.well he is NO LONGER the alj judge assigned to my clAim,and my hearing date was pushed back till 11-7-17 w yet a different judge.?????? Ru confused yet? Ok so to sum it up..going on 3 years of waiting SSA has Forced me to live BENEATH POVERTY LEVEL AKA FEDERAL BENEFIT RATE IF $733 MO.W INADEQUATE MEDICAL INSURANCE AS I ONLY QUALIFY FOR MEDICARE AND NOT MEDICAID due to the measly $506 i rcv. once a mo.well the doctor i am required to see does not accept Medicare so i have been forced to pay $405 out of $506 i rcv monthly leaving me w approx $100 for the remAinder of the mo.
You do the math! This CANNOT possibly be legal.! Right? Noone will address this matter or help me what can i do??? Please help?sincerely mr.chavez

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