Hearing Stage


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

HI everyone, I do not have any idea how to handle a hearing without any help. My mom will help me but I dont have any options. I was injured very seriously and have become disabled. I was told by all the lawyers I called, they dont help SSi only regular disability and due to my age, they dont very much money of they win. Is there any attorneys that may help me anywhere in Virginia ? I am worried if I go to the hearing alone, I may loose. Is there a chance I may be able to win if I do it alone ? Im really worried since I read you need a lawyer for better chance to win.

Upcoming hearing

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I have a hearing coming up in March. I have waited for a long time for this, and am very anxious about what may happen. While reviewing my denial I realized that they initially left off my inflammatory arthritis, which is my major physical illness. They had me listed as severe for fibromyalgia, which was listed later in the claim. How can they just pick and choose what they decide to rate and ignore your diagnosis listed as your primary issues?

Appeal Under Review

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

My account has said the below starting on 10/27 and has not changed. I did rec'd a fully favorable decision and have been told it is at the processing center.
Anyone have this message how long until it updated to show approved ? How long until your benefits started ?


Appeal Under Review

A medical decision has been made and we are working to process your decision. A Social Security Representative may contact you or your appointed representative directly if we need any additional documents or information."

I am waiting to see a judge and wondering how I support myself until then.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I have tried working, my schizophrenia, anxiety and bi-polar is so bad that I couldn't even hold down a 10 hour a week job. I would be 10min into my work and have to go home. I have no money to my name, not enough money into SDI to get help me with that. I have made maybe $600 total over the last 6 months, and SDI only pays you for the months outside of where I worked. So I don't qualify. I own a 10yo laptop and an obama phone. I am living on my elderly foster father's couch and about to be homeless. I get foodstamps and that is it.

Ssi hearing and interest paid on tax free bond

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I have my ssi hearing comming soon it's been almost 2 years I had a tax free muni bond for a while and last year I sold it and made$2400 in interest is this going to be a problem I got a 1099 from td amer trade saying I have 2400 in non taxable profit will the judge understand I wasn't working it's not on my ss report should I just keep quiet or will he see it

Onset Date

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I suffer from severe anxiety, Major Depressive Disorder, and PTSD, the PTSD which was diagnosed having to do with my childhood. I have been denied in both initial and reconsideration, reason being my I filed past my insurance date and need to have prove for an "onset" date I believe, I was wondering if a court ordered anger management & substance abuse classes from a case 12 years ago and my work history would be enough to do this.

Hearing question.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Hello all,
I finally had my hearing today and I am a little confused. when it got to the Vocational Expert part the ALJ only asked the VE to classify my previous jobs which he replied sedentary, but asked no hypothetical questions.What are your thoughts on this any help is appreciated.

Does not working for last several years (due to applying for SSDI) change benefit amount?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I have not been able to find any answers regarding this. I suppose I'll find out soon with award letter but I'd like to get a heads up on things. My wife initially applied for SSDI back in 2012. Went through entire process and was denied. My wife and I as well as our attorneys disagreed with this but since sueing the federal gov is expensive and time consuming we just filed a new case right afterward. We saw judge last month and she got approved with most of her backpay as well (from new filing date, not first one obviously). All well and good.

Find Out If I Qualify for Benefits!