Disability Benefits for Boilermakers

Boilermakers are the professionals who are responsible for building, installing and maintaining boilers, vessels and tanks or other steel containers that hold liquids and gases. These individuals can work in a wide range of industries including power plants, paper mills, cement plants, water treatment facilities and breweries, just to name a few. Many people assume that boilermakers perform the same job as welders, since they work with sheet metal and perform welding duties. A boilermaker, however, is a much more specialized trade and is more of an artisan craft. These professionals take the sheet metal, bend it and shape it and then weld it together to make the tank or boiler they are producing. Welders only weld materials, whereas boilermakers actually craft an item from the materials they work with.

The job of a boilermaker requires very specialized training. Not only will these individuals usually have some sort of formal education, but they often perform years of apprentice work before actually being able to work in their chosen trade. These individual must learn the skills of their craft including how to manipulate the metals they work with, how to properly weld the items and how to ensure that all safety measures are met so that quality boilers and tanks are produced.

Injuries are not uncommon among boilermakers. The job can be both physically demanding and very dangerous. Some boilers can be more than ten stories tall and a boilermaker must work at great heights to complete their work. This puts them in danger of falls that can be disabling or even deadly. These professionals also work in conditions that can result in muscular or skeletal injuries that may be long-term or permanent. The use of dangerous tools is also an issue, and one single mistake can lead to a life-altering injury.

The job of a boilermaker is a task that is physically demanding and these professionals must be in good health to perform their job duties. If an injury or illness occurs that results in a long-term or permanent disability, these professionals will be unable to continue work in their profession. Because of this, many boilermakers must file Social Security Disability claims when a long-term or permanent disability arises.

Working with a Disability as a Boilermaker

Work as a boilermaker requires a professional to be in good health and top physical condition. When a boilermaker becomes disabled, it is usually impossible to continue work in their chosen field. That does not mean, however, that every disabled boilermaker chooses not to work after suffering from a disability. Some boilermakers will try to find work in fields that are less taxing. Minor welding jobs or administrative positions are sometimes possible and career changes are not uncommon if the individual's disability does not interfere with the ability to obtain retraining or education.

If a disabled boilermaker's condition prevents them from transferring to another line of work, however, the financial burdens can become quickly overwhelming. Without a means of income, it can be hard to pay for daily living expenses. In these cases, Social Security Disability benefits may be able to help.

Applying for Social Security Disability as a Boilermaker

If you have spent your life working as a boilermaker and are suddenly faced with a disability that prevents you from performing your job duties, it can be a frustrating and emotional experience. You may want to work, but your disability prevents you from doing so. In these cases, you should apply for Social Security Disability benefits as soon as possible.

When you apply for Social Security Disability benefits, the Social Security Administration will take a number of factors into account when reviewing your disability claim. The first things they will look at is the extent of your disability and your residual functional work capacity. They will also look at your job history, education and age. They do this in order to determine whether or not you are able to perform any type of work in the national economy even though you are unable to continue working as a boilermaker.

Why does your age, work history and education play a role in whether or not you are approved for disability benefits? Because the Social Security Administration is not just interested in whether or not you are able to continue work as a boilermaker. They want to see if you can perform any type of substantial gainful activity at all. Let's say, for example, that you suffered a disability that resulted in an inability to use your left hand. Obviously, you could not perform work as a boilermaker. If, however, you were in your twenties it would not be unreasonable to expect you to obtain retraining or education that would allow you to work in an administrative position that your disability would not interfere with. If, however, you were in your forties or fifties, retraining or education would not be as likely and your Social Security Disability claim would be more likely to be approved.

When filing a Social Security Disability claim as a disabled boilermaker, you may want to retain the services of a Social Security Disability advocate or attorney. These individuals can help you fill out your application in such a way that the SSA understands why you are unable to perform any type of work activity and if for some reason your Social Security Disability application is denied, they can represent you through the complex and lengthy disability appeal process.

If you would like to speak with a qualified disability advocate or attorney about your Social Security Disability claim or would like to find out more about qualifying for Social Security Disability benefits as a disabled boilermaker, fill out a free evaluation of your disability case.

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