What Do I Need If I Apply For SSDI Online?

Submitted by Eric on

If you apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) online through www.ssa.gov, there are some documents and evidence that you will need to help you with the claims process.

Hard medical evidence and supporting documentation are essential to the success of your disability claim and getting access to the disability benefits that you need to cover basic expenses.

Personal Information You Will Need When Applying Online For Disability Benefits

You must provide proof of your identity, as well as other identifying details to get your disability claim underway. Here is a closer look at some of the information you must provide to get your SSDI claim on track:

  • Your date of birth
  • Your place of birth
  • Your Social Security number
  • Names of minor children, along with their dates of birth and Social Security numbers
  • Account information, including routing number and bank account number, to have benefits deposited into your bank account

What Medical Information Do I Need When Applying Online?

When you are applying for disability benefits online, you will need a list of your healthcare providers, as well as their addresses, contact information, and approximate dates of service.

If someone else knows about your condition and you are allowing them to speak on your behalf or help, include their name, contact details, and so forth.

Provide detailed information about your illness or illnesses or injuries. Provide copies of medical records and indicate any treatments as well as restrictions and limitations. The more details that you can provide, the more likely the disability examiner will be able to see and understand the extent of your condition.

What Work Information Do I Need When Applying Online for Disability?

When you are applying for SSDI, you will need to provide information about your past work history. Here are some details about specific information you should provide to support your claim.

  • How much you earned working
  • Names of and contact info for past employers
  • Copy of your Social Security statement
  • List all jobs worked during the last 15 years including job titles and responsibilities
  • Any information about workers’ comp benefits or disability insurance payments received

You will need documents to support your claim as well. Specifically, you will need to provide a copy of your birth certificate.

Get Help With Your Claim

Statistics released by the SSA show that claimants with legal representation are more likely to be awarded disability benefits. Disability lawyers take cases on a contingency basis, meaning your lawyer will not be compensated only if you are awarded disability benefits. An attorney can also help you if your claim advances to court.

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