Shane's blog

How Much Money Will You Receive From Disability?

Submitted by Shane on

When people are applying for Social Security Disability benefits they are often facing serious financial hardship. A lack of income due to the disability can create serious financial stress, and the fact that it can take months or even years to be approved for Social Security Disability benefits doesn't help matters any. Because of this, many people find themselves wondering just how much money they will receive if they are approved for Social Security Disability benefits. The answer isn't always simple or straightforward.

One Size Does Not Fit All

Do Children Qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits?

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When most people think about children, disability benefits are not the first thing that comes to mind. Many people believe that Social Security Disability benefits are only for adults who are no longer able to work. This is certainly not the case. Social Security Disability benefits are not isolated to adults who are unable to earn an income to support themselves. Children can, and do, qualify for Social Security Disability benefits in certain cases.

Is it Difficult to Get Credit When Receiving Social Security Disability?

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Many people wonder how receiving Social Security Disability income will affect their ability to obtain loans and credit. Does Social Security Disability go on your credit report? Does it make it harder to qualify for a loan? Is it possible to qualify for a mortgage? There are many things to consider when determining exactly how Social Security Disability will affect your credit eligibility. If you receive Social Security Disability payments and you want to know if you will be able to obtain the credit you need, here are some things to keep in mind.

How to Prepare for a Social Security Disability Hearing

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The Social Security Administration only approves about 30 percent of initial Social Security Disability claims received each year. What happens to the remaining 70 percent? One of three things occurs. Applicants can either forget their claim, giving up their right to Social Security Disability benefits, file a new claim, or, if they can go on to file an appeal to reverse the decision.

Can Veterans Apply for Social Security Disability?

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The short answer to this question is “Yes.” If a veteran has paid into the Social Security system they can file for both VA (Veterans Administration) benefits and Social Security Disability Benefits. The compensation is a monthly payment and can be paid to veterans who have been diagnosed as disabled as a result of their experiences in military service. The types of injuries for which veterans can receive disability benefits can be physical or mental.

Debunking the Top Myths about Social Security Disability

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There is no doubt about that there are rumors abound in the world of Social Security Disability benefits. There are plenty of myths being circulated from who can and cannot receive benefits to how long it takes to receive a check. How can you tell fact from fiction? If you want to truly understand Social Security Disability benefits, you need to know the truth behind the top Social Security Disability myths. Here are the top five myths that people often buy into.

Can you Buy a Home while Receiving Social Security Disability Benefits?

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Many people who receive Social Security Disability benefits wonder if it is possible to own their own home, or if they will be stuck renting for the rest of their lives. There are many preconceived notions about people who receive Social Security Disability being unable to qualify for a mortgage. They fear that they do not have enough income or that the fact that they are on disability and not employed will get in the way of qualifying for a mortgage loan. This isn't necessarily the case.

The Future of Social Security Disability Benefits

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There are whisperings and rumors that the Social Security system is going to go bankrupt in 2010. Is this true? Is Social Security really at risk? And if it is, what is going to happen to Social Security Disability benefits? Before you panic and assume that your monthly Social Security Disability benefits are going to stop coming, there are some things you need to know.

Do Mental Disorders Qualify for Social Security Disability?

Submitted by Shane on

When people think about Social Security Disability, they often imagine people who are unable to work due to physical limitations or permanent injuries. Many people do not understand that mental disorders are also a type of disability. The question is, do those who suffer from mental illness have the right to collect Social Security Disability? The answers to this question are not always straightforward, and those who can't work due to mental illness often are not aware of their rights.

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