Breast Cancer Resources, Information, and Support

Table of Contents.

Section 1: What Is Breast Cancer?

Section 2: Breast Cancer Statistics in the United States

Section 3: Causes of Breast Cancer & Risk Factors

Section 4: Breast Cancer Diagnosis, the Importance of Early Detection, and Treatment

Section 5: Hospice

Section 6: Financial Support & Resources for Breast Cancer

Section 7: Breast Cancer Support Groups (for patients, friends and family, and caregivers)


What Is Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells develop and grow in an abnormal, uncontrolled manner in the breast’s tissues.


Breast Cancer Statistics & Resources

Breast Cancer Statistics in the United States

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States. According to research cited by the National Cancer Institute, doctors are expecting a total of 290,560 breast cancer cases to be diagnosed in the U.S. by the end of 2022. According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, 1 out of every 8 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their lifetime.


Causes of Breast Cancer & Risk Factors

When an individual receives a breast cancer diagnosis, it is completely natural for them to wonder what caused them to develop breast cancer. There are so many questions… Why me? What’s going to happen to me? Will I be okay? All of these questions, and your feelings, are so valid.

Unfortunately, no one really knows exactly what causes breast cancer and why some women develop the disease while others do not. Nonetheless, we do know that breast cancer is brought about as a result of damage done to a cell’s DNA.

Additionally, ongoing breast cancer research has established certain risk factors that could increase a person’s likelihood of developing the disease if that risk factor(s) applies to them. Some of the most common genetic breast cancer risk factors include the following:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Race
  • Obesity
  • Dense Breast Tissue
  • Genetic Factors and Family History
  • Personal Health History
  • Menstrual and Reproductive History
  • Certain Genome Changes

It is critical to note that, if a woman has a risk factor, it does not automatically mean that a woman will develop breast cancer. There are many women who never get breast cancer despite the fact that they have risk factors for the disease.

More Information on Each Specific Breast Cancer Risk Factor: 


Breast Cancer Diagnosis, the Importance of Early Detection, and Treatments 

Breast Cancer Diagnosis & The Importance of Early DetectionBreast Cancer Resources

Breast cancer is diagnosed through several tests that include a mammogram, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and a biopsy(s). To learn more about the various breast cancer screening tests and the importance of early detection, visit some of the links below.

More Information on the Importance of Early Detection for Breast Cancer:


Breast Cancer Treatment(s)

In general, when it comes to breast cancer treatment, there are five treatment options: surgery, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, targeted therapies, and radiation. Most breast cancer patients’ treatment plans involve some sort of personalized combination of these five treatment options. And, typically, when breast cancer is detected early, there is a higher likelihood that the cancer is at an earlier, less severe stage, which usually means that there are more treatment options available to people who’s breast cancer is caught early.

More Information About Breast Cancer Treatments Based on the Stage of the Cancer:

More Information on Financial Resources Available for Breast Cancer Screenings:



Hospice care is for people who are reaching the end of their life. Hospice care is utilized when a terminal disease like cancer reaches the point at which treatment is no longer able to control its spread or cure it. When a doctor determines that the life expectancy of their terminally-ill patient is six months or less, patients have the decision to enter into hospice care. Below is a list of several helpful articles on hospice care from various cancer organizations:

More Information on: What is Hospice Care?

Support Groups for Hospice Care:


Financial Support and Resources for Breast Cancer

financial support and resources for breast cancerWhile improvements in both technology and modern medicine have provided us with better treatment options and success rates, the cancer treatment and recovery processes can be, and oftentimes are, extremely debilitating. As such, it is not uncommon that many people who are battling breast cancer find themselves in a position in which they are unable to maintain their normal day-to-day schedules and tasks (e.g., working) due to the demanding treatment schedules, doctors appointments, and recovery from the side effects of certain treatments. Nonetheless, patients still have to be able to pay for all of their expensive medical bills. If you, or someone you love, have been diagnosed with breast cancer, you should consider applying for Social Security disability benefits through the Social Security Administration (SSA).

To help people cover the costs of living following a breast cancer diagnosis and not being able to work as a result, the SSA has several, well-established application-based programs that provide approved applicants with financial assistance via monthly paychecks.

Helpful Resources with More Information on How You Can Qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits with Breast Cancer

Helpful Resources with More Information on How To Apply for Social Security Disability Benefits with Breast Cancer


Something to Keep In Mind:

The Social Security disability benefits application process can take a long time, and might not always be easy. This is why it can be very beneficial to consider consulting and also working with a Social Security disability attorney who could help you by staying on top of your application as well as advocating for your needs while you focus on your breast cancer treatments and recovery.

Additional, Helpful Information on Region-, State-, and City-Specific Help:


Support Groups for Breast Cancer

support groups for breast cancerSocial support (via support groups) has been found to have many benefits for breast cancer patients. Specifically, research cited by Susan G. Komen® suggests a potential link between support groups and increased survival rates for breast cancer patients. Below are lists of support groups for breast cancer patients, their loved ones, and their caregivers.

Support Groups for Breast Cancer Patients

Support Groups for Breast Cancer Patients’ Friends & Family

Support Groups for Breast Cancer Caregivers


Additional Helpful Articles & Resources

Below are some of our other helpful articles discussing other important aspects of the Social Security disability benefits process as it applies to breast cancer.


Find Out If I Qualify for Benefits!