Reconsideration Stage


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I applied for SSDI back in Jan 2012 and was denied in Aug 2012- I filed a appeal in October. I have filed due to several health issues; I have had Juvenile Onset Diabetes for 30+ years and have no symptoms when my blood sugar drops, I also have COPD (was a smoker for over 2 yrs) and get extreme short of breathe just making bed. I also have Chronic back pain which only allows me to sleep about 4-5 hours a night.


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I am trying to help a friend who has been waiting for his backpay from Social Security Disability. Every time he calls he speaks to someone who tells him something different regarding the status. The last conversation stated that he was declined for his backpay but has never received any formal notice in writing. They state that he will need to file an appeal. How is this done if he has not been formally informed in writing regarding the decison?

Trustee on Mothers Life Insurance Policy

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I am the Trustee on my mothers"" Irrevocable Trust Life Insurance Policy valued at approxmately $149.000.00 Her Agent filed a 1099 in my name this year( box 6-non taxable) Because of this, they have disallowed my SSD, which I have received since 2007 due to medical reasons. My mother is still very much alive , and my brother is also listed on the policy as a beneficiary. I don't understand how they can take away my benefits for this & was under the impression that they could not consider a "Irrevocable Trust" as a asset income. What can I do ???

continuing disability report

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I won my disability after a tough fight. I have severe migraines along with a long list of other ailments. I get sick with them, need to be in the dark and pretty much do nothing on those days. I started having seizures several years ago. The first time I filled out form 3373 I was severely disabled and really wasn't do much of anything on any level. Since I won my case, I still don't do a whole lot because the headaches keep me down quite bit. Okay, now to my question. The first time I filled out my form I might have cooked dinner 1 night a week if that.

5 month holding period

Submitted by Gordon on

My wife just recently was approved for her SSD, after this period, (reconsideration), and did not receive what what we expected in back pay......told there is a 5 month period where no funds are paid due to what we think is "possibile" outcome! They say they hold this back in case the person applying isn't as disabled as they thought or can resume work rather than receive the SSD. We can find NO real reason for nor can we find where these funds go when not paid out!

Can I skip reconsideration?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

My application for disability benefits was denied recently and I was told that I have to file a request for reconsideration. What happens during this stage? Can I just skip this stage? I am so sick of filling out applications, I just want to explain my situation to somebody in person!


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